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2023-06-25 - 8:03 p.m.

I am returning home from Ohio after visiting mom in a rehab center. Dennis is driving our Tesla through Minnesota and we ran into Santa and Mrs C on vacation.
They were buying fountain drinks at a rest stop where we were charging the car. I asked to take my picture with them for Ellee. She doesn't believe but I thought she would think it was fun. I figured that since they were wearing red shirts with their names embossed, that they would be happy to oblige and they were.
I was looking at my mother and suddenly realized that I like her now. I have found a place past the pain and I can look at her with compassion, if not a little sadness for the way her life is ending in a memory care facility. Maybe it is best for her to forget. I was having a moment and she smiled at me and said . " I used to own two Harley's, I didn't have any kids so I could do things like that...". I didn't say, "I am your kid, you had four children..." bus instead I said "you let your husband ride one didn't you." No so much a question... And she shrugged her shoulder and said " Well you have to make sacrifices."

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